Preventive Medicine

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Exercise Is Medicine (EIM)

action shot of four participants in a yoga classVideo Series (external link)

The Power of Physical Activity

Physical Activity: A Prescription for Health

In February, the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee submitted its Scientific Report (external link) to the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. This report summarizes the scientific evidence on physical activity and health and was used to develop the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. The following table from Part D Integrating the Evidence highlights both established and new findings.

Physical Activity-related Health Benefits for the General Population and Selected Populations

Adults, all ages

All-cause mortality

  • Lower risk

Cardiometabolic conditions

  • Lower cardiovascular incidence and mortality (including heart disease and stroke)
  • Lower incidence of hypertension
  • Lower incidence of type 2 diabetes


  • Lower incidence of bladder, breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, stomach and lung cancers

Brain health

  • Reduced risk of dementia
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Improved cognitive function following bouts of aerobic activity
  • Improved quality of life
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced feelings of anxiety and depression in healthy people and in people with existing clinical syndromes
  • Reduced incidence of depression

Weight status

  • Reduced risk of excessive weight gain
  • Weight loss and the prevention of weight regain following initial weight loss when a sufficient dose of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity is attained
  • An additive effect on weight loss when combined with moderate dietary restriction

Older Adults


  • Reduced incidence of falls
  • Reduced incidence of fall-related injuries

Physical function

  • Improved physical function in older adults with or without frailty

Individuals with Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Breast cancer

  • Reduced risk of all-cause and breast cancer mortality

Colorectal cancer

  • Reduced risk of all-cause and colorectal cancer mortality

Prostate cancer

  • Reduced risk of prostate cancer mortality


  • Decreased pain
  • Improved function and quality of life


  • Reduced risk of progression of cardiovascular disease
  • Reduced risk of increased blood pressure over time

Type 2 diabetes

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality
  • Reduced progression of disease indicators: hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure, blood lipids, and body mass index

Multiple sclerosis

  • Improved walking
  • Improved physical fitness


  • Improved cognition

Some conditions with impaired executive function

  • Improved cognition

Note: Benefits in bold font are those added in 2018; benefits in normal font are those noted in the 2008 Scientific Report. Only outcomes with strong or moderate evidence of effect are included in the table.

Despite the health benefits of regular physical activity and the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle:

  • Globally, 23 percent of adults 18+ and 80 percent of adolescents are insufficiently active.
  • According to the US 2016 National Health Interview Survey, 48 percent of adults are not meeting the Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic activity, and 78 percent of adults are not meeting the guidelines for both aerobic and strength training.
  • U.S. adolescents and adults spend almost eight hours a day in sedentary behaviors.
  • Approximately 36 percent of adults engage in no leisure-time physical activity at all.


2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report

UMMC Exercise Is Medicine

While going through EIM an exercise physiologist will take time for an in-depth discussion with you about your physical activity concerns and goals. After identifying your specific health risks, the specialist will create your custom home exercise plan. It will be your playbook for reaching the goals that can make the biggest difference in your health. If needed, you can schedule follow-up visits to track your progress to a healthier lifestyle and improved results.

What does insurance cover?

EIM currently does not accept insurance. However, all patients of the Lifestyle Medicine Clinic receive a free 60-minute session with the exercise physiologist. During this session, goals will be assessed, basic outcome measures be taken, and exercise counseling. The exercise physiologist would write a customized Home Exercise Program for each patient to start their physical activity journey.

Our contact information:

To schedule an appointment or refer a patient, call (601) 984-2233.

Clinic location:

Office Annex I